signal 1signal n. 合図, 信号; きっかけ. 【動詞+】 The search party answered his signal right away. 捜索隊は彼の信号にただちに応答してきた beat a traffic signal 交通信号が赤になる寸前に向こう側に渡る relieve pain by blocking the signals
fire 1fire n. 火, 火事; 暖炉の火; 発火; 射撃, 発射, 砲火; 熱情. 【動詞+】 answer the fire of the enemy 敵の砲火に応戦する attract enemy fire 敵の砲火を招く His statements are going to attract fire from the opposition. 彼
it is also known for an incident where tenchu-gumi (royalist party to inflict punishment ) assaulted the gojo daikansho and killed the daikan (local governor ), gennai suzuki on september 29 , 1863 , which lighted a signal fire of the movement to overthrow the shogunate (tenchu-gumi incident ). 1863年(文久3年)8月17日(旧暦)、天誅組が五條代官所を襲撃、代官鈴木源内を殺害し倒幕運動の烽火を上げたことでも知られる(天誅組の変)。
further , it is said that dokan ota , too , discovered ' moyuru tsuchi ' (flammable dirt ), which was considered to be natural saltpeter , in building the edo castle , and developed and used weapons using gunpowder such as signal fire or fire arrows , which used ' moyuru tsuchi ' as a material . また、太田道灌も江戸城築城の際に天然の硝石と思われる「燃土」を発見し、これを用いた狼煙や火箭といった火薬兵器を使用したと伝えられている。
in april , 1294 , the following year , for ' a precaution against foreign countries ,' kanetoki conducted signal fire training with gokenin of kyushu in the provinces of chikuzen and hizen , and made a report of the force and increased procurement , strengthening the security guard against foreign countries . 翌永仁2年(1294年)3月、兼時は「異国用心」のため、筑前国と肥前国で九州の御家人達と、とぶひ(狼煙)の訓練を行い、軍勢の注進、兵船の調達などを行って異国警固体制を強化した。
it is not known whether it was for blocking the supply route or destroying castles for signal fire , but , according to " shinchoko-ki ," nobunaga oda got angry and said " it is an outrageous thing to do the act without permission " and sent troops to rokko mountains , kannoji-jo castle and jurinji-jo castle . 補給路を断つためか、烽火城を潰すためかは不明だが、『信長公記』によると、「御断わりも申し上げず曲事」と織田信長は激怒し兵を六甲山中や神呪寺城、鷲林寺城に向けた。
it is considered that kanno-ji temple at that time had many sacred buildings in the area wider than today and had a good view of ikeda city , toyonaka city and amagasaki city and , according to " kyodo no shiro monogatari " (literally , story of castles in home town ), it is recorded that kannoji-jo castle and jurinji-jo castle were castles for signal fire and used to inform movements of troops of nobunaga oda with signal fire . 当時の神呪寺は現在より広範囲に寺院があったと思われ、池田市、豊中市、尼崎市まで眺望がきき、『郷土の城ものがたり』によると神呪寺城、鷲林寺城は烽火城で織田信長軍の動きを烽火で知らしていたとも記している。
it is considered that kanno-ji temple at that time had many sacred buildings in the area wider than today and had a good view of ikeda city , toyonaka city and amagasaki city and , according to " kyodo no shiro monogatari " (literally , story of castles in home town ), it is recorded that kannoji-jo castle and jurinji-jo castle were castles for signal fire and used to inform movements of troops of nobunaga oda with signal fire . 当時の神呪寺は現在より広範囲に寺院があったと思われ、池田市、豊中市、尼崎市まで眺望がきき、『郷土の城ものがたり』によると神呪寺城、鷲林寺城は烽火城で織田信長軍の動きを烽火で知らしていたとも記している。